Game Drive Map of Skukuza and Surrounds
This Kruger Park Map of the South-east region will help you plan your game-drive safari around the Skukuza area.Enlarge Map
Leopard Country
The Skukuza area is dominated by the Sabie and Sand river systems, which support an abundance of wildlife. Because the Sabie usually flows all year round it is the
most dependable source of water for the animals of southern Kruger. The area consists mostly of acacia thorn thickets along the lower contours of the landscape, and mixed marula, knob-thorn and bushwillow woodlands on the upper slopes.
In summer the lush vegetation can get very thick, and game spotting can be difficult. Some of the finest riverine forest in Kruger is to be found along the banks of the Sabie, which has
a high leopard population. The riverine bush to the west of Skukuza - in the Tinga concession - is much thicker than the bush along the river to the east.

The Sabie River bush between Skukuza and Lower Sabie has one of the highest concentrations of leopard in the world....
Skukuza Rest Camp in Kruger National Park is a popular rest camp situated in the heart of Kruger Park. Many visitors think Skukuza Rest Camp...