Their breeding season varies greatly. In Zimbabwe, it is August to November. Further South, between July and February. They often nest in abandoned nests of of other birds, from pigeons to Eagles. They will also use tree hollows and have also been known to use ground nest sites. 2 to 4 shiny, white eggs are laid at intervals, incubation beginning immediately.
From the day of laying, incubation takes about 30 days. Chicks move out onto nearby branches at by about 4 weeks, and begin to fly a few days later.
The White Faced Scops Owl is fully nocturnal and mostly insectivorous. It is a bird of scrub and bush territory, and often uses ground nest sites for breeding. The genus Otus can largely be divided into two types of owls, the Screech Owls of the New World, and the Scops of the Old World.
There are about 40 different owls in the group spread right across the globe. Most of the Otus owls are inhabitants of tropical regions. When these birds are disturbed during the day, the can elongate their bodies and lean sideways, which will help them resemble the branches on which they roost.
The Scops Owl are found throughout most of Africa south of the Sahara.