Numerous historic locations and many prehistoric rock art sites attest to The Kruger National Park's rich cultural heritage.
Unlike Thulamela, Masorini is not really that old. Research has revealed that the site was inhabited by a group of people belonging to the baPhalaborwa clan and that they made a living by manufacturing and selling iron artifacts during the Stone Age era. The picturesque Masorini Hill is situated about 11km (6 miles) from Phalaborwa entrance gate, along the road to Letaba restcamp.
This village offers an example of a specialized economy and well-developed technology that existed before the arrival of the white man in South Africa. It also offers the interested visitor insight into the livelihood of the hunter-gathering society of the Stone Age era that formed an integral part of the natural environment and made use of whatever nature offered in a unique way.
An archaeological research team revealed the first evidence of prehistoric habitation of the far northern part of the Kruger National Park in 1990. The team had been conducting preliminary excavations and documenting stone ruins on Thulamela in the Pafuri area, in an attempt to find out more about the settlement
During the course of the investigation, they came across the first artifacts that could provide some insight into this lost era of South African history. In the end the investigation confirmed that the stone ruins were probably the remains of a Late Iron Age settlement. While searching through the middens in the area, the researchers came across further remains - gold beads, charcoal, Ostrich-shell beads, perforated ornamental cowrie shells, clay spindle whorls, ivory and metal rings.
Radiocarbon dating indicated this site to have been inhabited from the 15th to mid-17th century. On the basis of these preliminary discoveries, it became clear that urther excavations were necessary if the secret past of the region was to be revealed. With the sponsorship by the Gold Fields Foundation, the Thulamela project was officially launched in July 1993 with the intended purpose of restoring the site and turning it into a museum. The reconstructed stonewalled settlement was officially opened as cultural heritage site museum on Heritage Day, 24 September 1996.
Thulamela Hill
Although visitors access the site through any one of the eight gates into the Kruger National Park, the most convenient ones, when entering the park, are Pafuri and Punda Maria gates.
Masorini Village
This Cultural Heritage site can also be accessed through any one of the eight access gates to the park. However, the most convenient is the Phalaborwa gate. Pafuri gate is approximately 630km (391 miles) from Johannesburg; Phalaborwa and Punda Maria gates both some 550 km (341 miles). Since entrance and restcamps gates are closed at night, allow sufficient travelling time to ensure timeous arrival at your destination. There will be no permits for late arrivals. Latecomers at entrance gates will be refused entry, whilst offenders at restcamps will be fined.