Breaking the Rules Could be a Costly Affair
Drivers who disobey the KNP "rules of the road" will also be in for the high jump if they:
Use un-roadworthy, unregistered or unlicensed vehicles in the KNP (R500) Overtake in an unsafe manner, including overtaking on a crest of a hill, bend or any other place where vision is restricted (R500) Reckless and negligent driving (R1 000 or Court) Neglecting to drive on the left hand side of the road unless without obstructing or endangering or disturbing any animal (R200) Neglect to give driving signals (R200) Reversing carelessly (R200) Driving on a no-entry road (R500) Leaving the road anywhere other than a parking area in a rest camp (R200) Damaging the surface of a roadway Inconsiderate driving (R400) and various other offences 
Kruger National Park - General Code of Conduct The National Parks Board Act No. 47 of 1976 as Kruger National Park...