
Adansonia digitata, or Baobab tree, was named in honour of Michel Adanson, the naturalist who first saw it in Senegal, Africa about 1750. Th...more

Buffalo Thorn

This is a deciduous tree, which grows upto 17m tall. It is a fast growing, deciduous, drought and frost resistant tree. The bark is rough an...more


A wide spread, fairly common shrub, up to 4m tall, which grows on both deep sand and loamy sand. The leaves are relatively large compared to...more


The Jackalberry tree can grow very tall, up to 80 feet, with a trunk circumference of 16 feet. Most trees don't grow that tall, however, and...more

Knob Thorn

It grows 5-18 m in height and is fire-resistant. The common names in English and Afrikaans refer to the very characteristic thorns, which ar...more

Lala Palm

Locally called Molala, large palm trees usually 5 to 7m, but sometimes up to 15m in height, single or multi-stemmed, with a slight swelling ...more

Marula Tree

The history of the marula tree goes back thousands of years. Archaeological evidence shows the marula tree was a source of nutrition as long...more

Mixed Bushwillow

he Mixed Bushwillow Woodlands is the name given to an eco-zone in the Kruger National Park that includes trees such as Red Bushwillow...more

Mopane Tree

The most diagnostic feature of the Mopane tree is undoubtedly the butterfly-shaped leaves, which are bright green when they emerge but turn ...more

Nara Plant

Acanthosicyos horrida forms clumps of vegetation in the dunes of the Sossuvlei region near Walvis Bay. Acanthosicyos horrida is a dioecious ...more

Natal Mahogany

The Natal Mahogany tree (Trichilia emetica) grows in open woodland and riverine bush from Sudan to Kwazulu-Natal. The leaves are glossy gree...more

Sausage Tree

The sausage tree of sub-Saharan Africa is beautiful in flower. The blood-red to maroon flowers hang in long panicles. The fragrance of the f...more


The Tamboti Tree is deciduous and of medium height, the bark is characterisically rough and black. The milky latex can cause severe irritati...more

Umbrella Thorn

The bark has a rough feel and is grey to black in colour. The tree has a combination of one straight thorn with a small hooked thorn alongsi...more

Weeping Boer Bean

The beauty of the flowers is in the brightly coloured calyces (sepals), stamens and pedicels (flower stalks). The flowers produce copious am...more


Welwitschia Mirabilis plants are unusual for their large, strap like leaves that grow continuously along the ground. The Welwitschia is ende...more

Wild Date Palm

The Wild Date palm has feather-shaped leaves. This evergreen palm does not grow much more than 6m in height and often occurs in dense stands...more
Kruger National Park - South African Safari