
Sable Antelope [Hippotragus niger]


The handsome Sable Antelope is the national animal of Zimbabwe and is one of the most sought after for photographers and trophy hunters alike due to its scimitar horns. They are very aggressive when it comes to danger, defending themselves fiercely against Lions, Hyenas and Wild Dogs. They will lie down and defend themselves with their horns as a last resort. Breeding herds are led by cows.

Vital Statistics

Weight (Female)
180 - 250 kg

Weight (Male)
180 - 250 kg

Gestation Period
9 months

No of Young
1 calf

Sexual Maturity
2 years

Birth Weight
15 kg



100 cm (record - 154 cm)


A single young is born from January - March after a gestation period of ± 8 months.

Spoor Description

The Sable Antelope's spoor is very much similar to the Roan Antelope's. It is smaller, though, and narrower.

Sable Antelope

The Sable Antelope is a large and handsome antelope. Sable Antelope are characterised by glossy black coats with white under parts and white...more
Kruger National Park - South African Safari